Celebrant Team
I am Tere Díaz de León, wife, mother and grandmother, who has always been seduced by love. Psycologist, specialized in counseling people to help them develop their talents, and this is how I came to realize I love to help people reach their goals and be happy.
As I came across the opportunity of becoming a Celebrant, I discovered that this gave me the possibility of making people and couples happy by making their wedding dream come true!
My name is Lourdes Hinojosa Coste. Being a Health Professional – a Dentist, specialized in Endodontics, Dental Esthetics and Lasertherapy – I have grown interested in integral wellbeing and human development from a holistic perspective.
Today life has surprised me with this beautiful gift of celebrating ceremonies along the cycles of life, specially weddings.
Being able to share and be part of milestone moments in the life of people is for me this gift, where love is the main ingredient.
Certified by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute of New Jersey to honor life cycles with meaningful ceremonies, filled with tasteful details, with a very special style.
In my own personal and spiritual path, and as a Holistic Therapist I have learned that LOVE is the most powerful energy in the Universe, that all of us humans are one with Mother Earth and must enjoy every experience, every instant that life offers us.
We all search love, because we are love beings. Our nature is to love and be loved. Love is food for our soul.
It will be a great honor for me to be part of that special moment in which we will celebrate life and its meaningful moments, creating memories that will remain forever in our hearts.